2 Easy Ways to Make Fast Money Online

When talking about easy ways to make money online, there are hundreds of ways to make easy money online. There are ways that could make you a couple of extra bucks to help you pay off some bills, and there are ways that could replace your monthly income and let you retire and go home.
It's also good to know that there are ways that could actually make you rich, and not just replace your income it could turn you in to a millionaire and allow you to change your lifestyle, live the way you have always dreamed of, and buy the house you always wanted, fly on vacations more often, and much more.
So, before you start looking for ways to make you money, you have to know what your goal is. Because not knowing where you're heading to is the best reason for not getting there.
So, you have to set a goal, knowing what you want to get out of your online business. Should it be a few hundred dollars a month or three thousand dollars a month, it really doesn't matter how much, but you just have to know that before you start.
Once you know what your goal is, and how much you want to earn, it is much easier to get there. Because depending on your personal goal you know what method to choose to make you earn money.
Below is a list of 2 very successful ways to make easy money online.
1. Make money with Blogging
Blogging is a very common way to make money among those that earn money online. It is also very long term, meaning that it could take some time to start earning with your blog, but in most cases it is well worth your time. Check out Internet #1 - Make Fast Easy Money Online @ http://www.churifita.info and change your life forever!
The way you earn money blogging is through placing affiliate offers or AdSense ads on your blog, and every time somebody clicks on a AdSense ad or buys an affiliate product you earn money.
The things you have to do is, create a blog and post very often, so that you get a lot of visitors to your blog. And from these visitors you could earn a nice income. A lot of people make thousands of dollars from their blogs.
2. Mini Websites
Setting up mini websites is also an excellent easy way to make money. It takes pretty fast to set up such a website, once you learn how to set it up once it could take you just a couple of hours to set up another one.
The earning potentials of such a website is between $150 - $600 per website. But you could also earn much more.
So, if you set up just ten of such websites it shouldn't take you more than two weeks if you get the right training, that could earn you between $3000 - $5000 a month. Doesn't it sound great? Just imagine if you would have twenty or perhaps even thirty of those websites, Wouldn't it be great?
READ MORE - 2 Easy Ways to Make Fast Money Online

How We're Transforming Insurance Sub-Sector, By Fola Daniel

Mr Fola Daniel, Commissioner for Insurance, takes Vanguard's Editor, Northern Operations, Jide Ajani, and Favour Nnabugwu, through the present state of the nation's insurance industry, the sector's preparedness for IFRS March 2011 deadline, the potentials insurance companies are tapping into, NNPC insurance accounts and the subjection of companies to bidding fees by government agencies.
With the transition from N350 million to N5 billion in setting up an insurance company, there were challenges and even doubts in some quarters as to what was really going on, especially with the verification that was carried out.
That is speculation. Before the bubble burst in the banks, people were still in doubt of the N25bn capital base, but when the bubble burst, it became apparent that they did meet it and even exceeded the threshold of N25bn.
They had other problems that came as a result of the inability to manage the big fund at their disposal but the question of any bank not having the N25bn was no longer an issue. Some insurance companies have the required minimum capital base whilst a few others have exceeded it.
Most insurance companies purporting to have raised N3bn for general business or N5bn for composite did not really have it and that led the government to set up a verification committee to verify if indeed, the companies have the amount they claimed to have, N2bn for life, N3bn for general, N5bn for composite and N10bn for reinsurers and the findings of that committee is that virtually all of them had what they claimed they had.
Don't ask me how they made it. Most of them attained it but few companies didn't make it and some of the few companies are big companies and they are shying away from the fact that they didn't have it. The National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) and the government were nearly scandalised. They were made a laughing stock that they were too big not to have what they claimed they had, but we went through a judicial process where it became apparent that the commission was right and the other party was wrong.
Do you foresee the scandal of insurance companies having problems like the banks?
Even before the Soludo crisis became public knowledge, we had the feeling that things were not okay with the banks, but we decided to mind our own business. One of the things we did in the commission without being forced to do so was a forensic investigation on insurance companies' accounts. You must have read in the newspapers that NAICOM was delaying passage of accounts that it was taking eternity for the commission to approve an account and all that.
What we did was to meticulously x-ray the books of every insurance company to ensure that what they claimed to have is indeed, what they have. And, l can proudly say that any published accounts of an insurance company represent nothing but the truth. We have gone the extra mile to assess that the accounts of insurance companies represent the true figure they claim. In the published accounts of insurance companies between last August and December, you find out that some big companies had holes in their books.
About three of them had as much as N5bn and I know that some of those companies are going out now to raise funds. It is not indicative of what can happen tomorrow.
Four insurance companies were not given approval last year, hence they could not conduct their 2009 annual general meeting. What is their fate now?
The fact that they failed to hold an AGM is not conclusive that they are troubled. One company, for instance, submitted their 2009 accounts on December 30, by 4p.m. in this office whilst two others submitted on the 31st; so it was not possible for us to clear the accounts on the 27th even for those who submitted on the 30th and 31st of December.
One would have thought that even with the benefit of all the time they had, they would have tidied up their books to the satisfaction of the regulator but we still had to raise queries on the accounts. We had issues with the accounts and, until they are satisfactorily resolved, we cannot approve them and, if we don't approve, they cannot go to do an AGM.
I am not saying that the four companies are necessarily troubled, but, as regulators, we are worried if a company which is meant to submit its report in June and the company submitted late, we should be worried. One of the companies belongs to a group of companies and they have tentacles outside Nigeria. One of the reasons they gave was that they needed to consolidate their balance sheets.
Of course, if you want to consolidate a balance sheet, particularly the one that is domiciled in French, there is a challenge. That is not to say that I'm defending but just giving you information. We had a problem still trying to clear the accounts.
The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), March 2011 deadline is near. How prepared are the insurance companies?
Everybody within the financial service sector in this country has challenges meeting that standard. What we will try to do in the insurance sector is to bring the industry to the pedestal of transparency and openness but the IFRS demands more than that, it is an upgrade. It is taken that your disclosure will encompass transparency and accountability, but what we try to do in the last two years is to bring the insurance industry to that realm. We recognise that the insurance industry has some challenges complying with IFRS.
That is why we decided to start ahead of others. We had an outing on January to highlight what the issues and challenges are and to also proffer possible remedies in order to leverage on experience from elsewhere.
Why is the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), holding back insurance premium?
I read in the newspapers that INEC is insuring all the property they are going to use for the elections. To me, it was cheering news, but whether the insurance companies have been paid or not, I cannot say. I think l have a high degree of confidence in the leadership of INEC and, if the management of INEC decided to insure, I believe they are going to pay.
You must also remember that INEC has some financial challenges. You can see that they have gone to the National Assembly in the last few months to request for supplementary budget. If INEC has taken those policies indeed, l am sure they are going to pay insurance companies.
Insurance companies and brokers were forced to pay bidding fees by INEC. What is NAICOM doing about it?
We are in a democratic era and government agencies and departments advertise for bidding process and all insurance companies could have said 'no, we are not going to pay any bidding fee; and the commission would have supported them because when parastatals and agencies want to put money in the various banks, they do not advertise or ask them to pay bidding fees. In 2008, one of the government parastatals asked insurance companies to bid.
The bidding fees ranged between N100,000 and N800,000 depending on the class of business a company wished to engage in. About two or three insurance companies drew my attention to it and l left my office and drove straight to the parastatal and told them,'you can't do this,' and I gave them some analogies: 'Do you give your money to banks? Do you engage lawyers? Do you patronise hospitals?' They said yes. Then, I asked why they were subjecting insurance companies to bidding fees.
The DG of that parastatals was on the defensive as she was a bit apologetic until the legal adviser came to her rescue and said, 'Madam, are we discussing the future bids or the present bids?' I didn't know where the legal adviser was heading to.
The legal adviser said before I got to their office about 48 insurance companies out of 51 had complied and had paid the bidding fees. And, he said, 'perhaps the insurance commissioner is here to talk about future bidding fees so that we can be so guided in the future but if he came for this particular exercise, 48 insurance companies had already paid.'
I was in the company of the then chairman of the Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA), Mr Wole Oshin. We were embarrassed. If my constituent could rush to pay for bidding process within two weeks for an exercise that had six weeks grace, if they did not have any problem paying the fees, why were they complaining? I seriously believe that insurance companies should not be made to go through paying for bidding process.
What is you advice to the layman on the street about insurance?
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Insurance with a small payment called premium is worth the trouble if anything should happen to even your children's bicycles that are not less than N100,000. For five per cent of N100,000, you can get the bicycles secured against theft, accident; so insurance remains the cheapest way of managing risks. Insurance is not only for the elite but also for the average man.
A man that has 10 cars will not lose a sleep if anything should happen to one of the cars but for a man who managed to save and bought a Tokunbo car, he may never be able to buy another car; so, why not set aside a small amount of money to secure the car.
What is the delay in NNPC 2011 insurance about?
I know that NNPC incepted a process that will lead to their insurances being renewed and l know that part of the thing NNPC does on yearly basis is to ask the old insurers to hold covers until the renewal is concluded and usually there will be no gap. NNPC is too organised to allow for gap. They cannot do that.
READ MORE - How We're Transforming Insurance Sub-Sector, By Fola Daniel

FOS clarifies marine insurance issues

The Financial Ombudsman Services (FOS) has issued a technical note covering some of the issues that arise in relation to complaints involving marine insurance policies.
The Service says it deals with around 100 complaints involving small craft each year and that in most cases the insurer has refused (or restricted) a claim on the basis that:
The vessel was not seaworthy; the consumer had not taken reasonable care to avoid loss or damage; non-disclosure; the claim was fraudulent; the security requirements in the policy were not complied with.
The Ombudsman's approach in considering each of the above categories is now available on the FOS website
READ MORE - FOS clarifies marine insurance issues

Applying for a home loan early is a good idea

Q: I'm thinking about starting to look for a house.
My friends tell me I should get "prequalified" for a mortgage first. My real estate agent says I should get "preapproved" for a mortgage first.
Is there a difference, and is it important to get the mortgage part taken care of first, before you make an offer to buy a home?
A: Many homebuyers are confused by the terms prequalification and preapproval.
A prequalification is simply a quick conversation with a mortgage loan officer, usually over the telephone, to determine how large a mortgage amount you can afford based on your current income and debt situation.
The loan officer takes the numbers you give him or her and uses a calculator or computer program to calculate an approximate maximum loan amount based on the current interest rates for various loan programs. That gives you a realistic idea of how much you can afford to spend on a house.
Prequalification is just the first step in the mortgage application process. It is not a guarantee that you will get the loan; it just means that you can qualify for a certain loan amount if your income and credit report checks out as stated.
This, however, is not always the case. You may have overestimated your actual income, or more commonly, you may have underestimated your monthly debt payments or your credit rating may not be as good as you thought.
The only way to know for sure that you will get the loan amount that you want is to be preapproved for a mortgage. That means filling out the loan application form and providing all the required documentation to prove your stated income and financial assets, such as paycheck stubs, bank account statements and investment statements.
The most important factor in qualifying for a mortgage is your credit score, commonly called a FICO score.
The only way to truly know what your credit score is for mortgage purposes is to have your credit report pulled by a bank or mortgage company. The credit scores that you get from those "free credit report" services are not the same as a mortgage credit score because they use a different computer algorithm to score your credit.
After pulling your credit report, the mortgage company will run your loan application through a computerized automated underwriting system to get a loan approval (or decline) based on your income, credit and financial assets on your loan application.
After receiving an automated loan approval, which can typically be accomplished the same day that you fill out your loan application, the mortgage company gathers the paycheck stubs, bank statements and other documents required by the automated loan approval findings.
Your complete loan file is then reviewed and approved by a human underwriter to make sure it meets the lender's guidelines for the loan program for which you are applying.
If everything is in order, you will receive a credit approval on the loan. That means you have a written loan commitment based on your income and credit and all you need is a house to go with it.
You can then get a preapproval letter from your mortgage company or bank that your real estate agent can use when making an offer on a home.
Home sellers and real estate agents love to work with homebuyers who have been preapproved for a mortgage. They will take you more seriously when you make an offer, and you will have more bargaining power because you can guarantee that your offer will close.
It's the next best thing to being an all-cash buyer.
Home sales sometimes flip when the buyers fail to qualify for a loan, and the seller is forced to put the house back on the market. By relieving the sellers of that anxiety in advance, you may be able to drive a tougher bargain on the purchase price because the sellers know you can close quickly.
So if you are shopping for a home, fill out a loan application as soon as possible and get preapproved.
Filling out forms isn't a lot of fun, but it is much easier to complete the loan application process while you are calm and relaxed, rather than stressing out over a purchase offer that you just made.
There is plenty of pressure involved in negotiating the purchase of a home without adding the stress of applying for a mortgage at the same time.
READ MORE - Applying for a home loan early is a good idea

Nobel winner targets 'loan shark' microlenders

NEW DELHI — Bangladesh's Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus has labelled profit-driven microfinance firms "loan sharks" who undermine the small-credit schemes that he pioneered to help tackle poverty.
Yunus, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for making loans available to poor entrepreneurs, hit out at the commercial microfinance companies as the concept faces increasing scrutiny.
"When they start looking at profit they become loan-sharks," Yunus said late Saturday on the sidelines of a conference in Mumbai, the Press Trust of India news agency reported.
"The ultimate objective of microfinanciers is to ensure financial inclusion and not making profit," he stressed. "If you want to commercialise, please choose a different name. Real microfinanciers are not commercially minded."
The microfinance sector was until recently hailed as a saviour of the poor in south Asia for providing loans averaging $250 to millions of people, many of them women, unable to get credit from mainstream banks.
But microfinance firms' surging profits and accusations that some charge extortionate interest rates and deploy heavy-handed debt collectors who have triggered scores of client suicides, have led to mounting controversy.
Last month an Indian central bank panel put forward proposals for nationwide regulation of the microfinance sector, with caps on interest rates and loan amounts.
READ MORE - Nobel winner targets 'loan shark' microlenders

Loan, Talbot are Cook Inlet Skimeisters

Chugiak's Kinsey Loan and Service's Silas Talbot won the Skimeister awards and the Service boys and South girls took the team titles Saturday at the Cook Inlet Conference cross country skiing championships at Kincaid Park.
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Talbot, the winner of Friday's individual classic race, skied the anchor leg for Service's winning relay team Saturday. His was one of several strong individual performances that gave Service a sizeable team lead after the first day of competition, but the Cougars left nothing to chance on Saturday.
Talbot teamed with Jani Lane, Peter Mamrol and Kyle Barnhart to win the 4x5 1/2-kilometer freestyle relay in 57 minutes, 56.5 seconds, beating South by 17.4 seconds.
South claimed victory in the girls 4x4-K relay, with the team of Teagan Yutrzenka, Tristan Ramey, Stephanie Kirk and Karina Packer blowing past Service. They won in 50:08.3, beating Service by 27 seconds, to easily take home the overall team championship.
Loan, who won Friday's race, helped Chugiak to a third-place finish in the relay. Skimeister titles go to the boy and girl with the fastest combined times from the individual race and relay.
READ MORE - Loan, Talbot are Cook Inlet Skimeisters

Concerns Raised over Small Business Administration Loan Program

Congress recently authorized legislation that helps companies at risk of foreclosure by implementing a new loan program. This past Friday, the Small Business Administration (SBA) indicated the program is ready to be implemented. However, concerns have been raised over the restricted access to these loans to the point where many businesses on the verge of foreclosure would not qualify. Among those restricted from the loans are any companies already possessing SBA-backed real estate loans, according to the Los Angeles Times.
In a statement issued by Scott Hauge, the president of an advocacy group named Small Business California, he simply stated that the bill was "awful" and that that bill is incapable of doing what it was intended to do. The strictures contained in the bill state that businesses facing ballooning payments on property, which their business is established will be afforded the opportunity to refinance with government guaranteed loans. However, the loans offered in this legislation only apply to companies whose mortgages are due in the next two years. The program also stipulates that this will only cover properties worth less than what is currently owed on their mortgages.
In the near term, the strict loan terms could also make loans less attractive to lenders, but the SBA has responded to this saying that while the terms are tight, as many as 20,000 businesses will be immediately eligible to participate in the program providing nearly $15 billion to small businesses in government-backed loans. While there are clearly limitations to the program, the SBA 504 Debt Refinancing Program is heralded as the most significant change in the this sector since the beginning of the global recession. The program is intended to be temporary with a sunset date set for September 27, 2012.
READ MORE - Concerns Raised over Small Business Administration Loan Program

Students taking on more loans with reduced job prospects

Looming student loan payments are Payal Ravani's ticking crocodile.
The 24-year-old Lansing resident graduated from Michigan State University in 2008 with a bachelor's degree in political theory and about $80,000 in federal and private student loan debt. She has to start making payments in the spring.
"At least 50 percent of the time when I would go in to talk to someone (in the financial aid office), I would come out crying," Ravani said. "I think people don't understand how emotional and sensitive people are about it."
A painful reality faces an increasing number of students and families: tuition costs rise even when the economy lags.
The consequence is many students leave college with more debt and less ability to repay it.
Student loans are now the largest source of debt for Americans, outweighing credit card debt by more than $90 billion.
According to the Federal Reserve, Americans owed just over $800 billion in revolving credit (which includes credit card debt) as of December 2010.
Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of financial aid assistance sites FinAid.org and FastWeb.com, estimates Americans now owe a total of more than $890 billion in student loan debt.
About 60 percent of students at Michigan colleges graduated with student loan debt in 2009. The average total debt per student was $25,458.
READ MORE - Students taking on more loans with reduced job prospects

Get A Low Interest Student Automotive Loan

It's now potential to get a student automobile loan regardless of not having any or less monthly income. Different types of auto loan programs are available for school students.
It's now potential to get a student automobile loan regardless of not having any or less monthly income. Different types of auto loan programs are available for school students. However prior to applying for one, you could possibly be required to have proper information as well as understanding regarding these sorts of car finances. This may enable you to decide on a program that works finest to your specific financial wants and requirements. Alternatively, you possibly can make your task a lot simpler by benefiting from skilled assist that's available on-line and find a lender who offers automotive loans for students with versatile mortgage reimbursement terms and conditions. However, if you're out to use for pupil automotive finance, you should take a look at a couple of vital issues associated with it. Here is a few important info regarding the same which you may discover useful.
With a purpose to get authorized for a fast car loan for school students, it might be vital for you to find lenders specializing in providing low interest rate scholar automobile loans. Make sure that you get a number of free no obligation quotes together with mortgage compensation phrases and circumstances offered by totally different lenders. Go through the auto loan charges supplied by every of these lenders and find out whether upkeep expenses and automobile insurance premiums are include within the terms. Be sure that lenders would pay these expenses at the very least initially and determine any hidden prices similar to closing fees or pre-fee penalties related to the student auto loan finance. In any case, you need to try to find a lender who's reliable as well as enjoys a good popularity in the market.  This may very well be accomplished by carrying out verification checks about your lender.
Nevertheless, you possibly can be required to satisfy sure eligibility necessities by your used car loan lender. To that effect, you want to be an American citizen and above 18 years of age. Your credit score record could also be subject to scrutiny and so could be your past mortgage compensation history. Many of the school students are more likely to have either unhealthy or no credit standing since income sources could be limited on account of part time employment. Because of this, lenders may supply much larger interest rates in your auto loans. However with an knowledgeable assistance, you can be helped to check the multiple quotes and obtain competitive automobile mortgage charges that are truthful on your credit situation. Remember, by paying the monthly auto loan installments commonly, you can improve your credit score scores over a period of time which is significant to secure low interest rates on any sort of loans in future.
To get more helpful information in your affordable pupil or bankruptcy car loan choices, it's hereby suggested to make the most of the skilled providers offered by reputed online service suppliers like CarLoansRightHere.
READ MORE - Get A Low Interest Student Automotive Loan

Poker Pro Shows How To Make Money Fast Online

Poker pro Gus Hansen has delivered a lesson in making quick money by earning a staggering $1 million in just one week of online poker play.
Hansen's Big Week
"The Great Dane," celebrated his 27th birthday in style this week by earning the million-dollar sum playing high-stakes games at [directory/pokerrooms/fulltiltpoker/|Full Tilt Poker Room], including one big day of $459,000 when he won big in Cap Pot-limit Omaha.
Hansen has now brought his 2011 total to an amazing $2.1 million overall, well ahead of his nearest competitor, with his recent victims including American poker instructor Phil Galfond.
Negreanu Also Starts Year Well
Over at the other big name poker room, Team PokerStars pro Daniel Negreanu has also started off the year in a big way with earnings of $46,000 in a major high-stakes session.
Meanwhile, PokerStars announced it is adding 15 new players to its team, chosen from more than 4,500 applicants from around the online poker world.
The 15 players come from more than 11 countries, and include such big names from the community including Shane "shaniac" Schleger, Clayton "cnew27" Newman and Andrew "foucault82" Brokos, and the sole female player, Mer "PeachyMer" Brit.
READ MORE - Poker Pro Shows How To Make Money Fast Online

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